Magic SalesMap

Contacts Geolocation App

Powered by SagitaZ

USA    +1 917 633 9855

MEX   +52 33 4624 2944

ESP   +34 96 00 45 755

FRA   +33 9 7072 0323

Manage Your CRM Opportunities in Google Maps.

Add some Magic to your Business




Optimize visit routes

Visualize your opportunities

Organize your Sales team

Increase your sales

Segment Geographically

Control your team access






Visualize Your Business Take Actions.

Know better about your organization and take advantage of your data in a new way.

See your listed data in a smart geolocated map view.

A Magic Map full of amazing features.

Same information different view New possibilities.

Filter, control, segment, call, register, organize, manage and do amazing things from our Magic Map.

Integrated with your CRM, Email, Chat and VoIP.

Let your salespeople see the status of their opportunities.

Take direct actions and see them registered in your CRM with our Smart Sync feature.

Give them a tool to see their work exclusively and do direct actions.




Get it Now FREE >

92% of users report a better handle on their business.


“We can see exactly what needs to be done and where. We were missing opportunities and deadlines before we found Magic Sales Map. We're now much more efficient.”


- Mario Rodríguez, Cheaf Marketing Officer (Kreatibe Business Strategies)

"Your next business opportunity could be where you least expect it."

You just need to change your perspective

Locate where your business really is.

Organize your trips knowing the real potential of the area.

Manage the work of your sales team.

Discover quickly if you are visiting the right customers.

Get it Now FREE >

Rescue your forgotten customers and interact with them.

View latest visits, calls, tasks and emails.

Visualize the status of your opportunities.

Use the color to know what it should already be sold.

Get it Now FREE >

Call and record your conversations from your map.

No waiting, no searches: all at the same place. Just click the call button.

Monitor the work done with every opportunity.

Access the activities of each opportunity independently

Get it Now FREE>

Open a new world of possibilities to your sales team

create follow-up tasks

From Magic SalesMap you can directly create tracking tasks that will be registered in your CRM.


Magic SalesMap will tell you which customers have incomplete data in their records so that you can complete it.

organize your opportunities

Detects opportunities that are disorganized automatically.

From Magic SalesMap you can just call your customer and the call will be registered in your CRM.

Call your customer directly

discover recent communications

Easily check the most recent communications with your contact from the Magic Sales Map itself without having to enter your CRM.


Magic Sales Map shows you the information in the language you use

Create visual reports

Create visual reports in real time about the status of opportunities and know what each member of your team does.

create productive visits routes

Organize trips to your customers based on parameters that make the route fully exploited.

know your client's environment

Magic SalesMap will give you complete information about the environment where your clients are and in that way create adapted business strategies.

Get it Now FREE >

85% of businesses have increased their monthly sales.


“We don't need to spend as much time to organize our sales routes and calls now that we use Magic Sales Map.”


- Frederic La Fayette , Chef Operations Officer (Green Chemicals)

Foresee your own future

Solve real problems in real time.

Apply Visual AI to Data.

How far can you get

Strategy Building

Adapt to Business Needs

Make your Idea a Reality

Growing your Organization

Create Custom Strategies with Magic SalesMap to reach success.

See live business changes added by your sales team and take the right decisions.

You have a revolutionary business idea but do not know how to handle your data?

We invite you to think about the future and visualize the path that will lead you to it.

Magic SalesMap will help you with the creation of your own customized business strategy with your own resources and possibilities.

See business keys that will make you change the vision in your organization.


SagitaZ can be your technological partner  and make your business grow, you decide how far. We have the tools.


Business Angels, investors, start-up accelerators and boostraping experts will be amazed and how detail your data can be analyze to find the funds you need so you can get started.

Imagine the  Possibilities of Visual Planning

Rediscover Your Business Data

Let us know about your organization and we will help you to take advantage of your data in a different way.

Tell us where do you want to go and we will reach your goals together.

Get It Now FREE >

95% of users say their sales teams are now
more self-sufficient.


“Now we have visual accountability. No more ‘I thought so and so was in that state.’”


- Jorge Jimenez, Sales Manager of Strategic Accounts (Fleximate Technologies)

Contact us to request your free installation

USA    +1 917 633 9855

MEX   +52 33 4624 2944

ESP    +34 96 00 45 755

FRA   +52 33 4624 2944